
This is a simple user guide for a tiny piece of software. But I have used other people's art and applications to create RPNCalc and I want to ensure I recognize them and give them thanks.


Extensive use of several libraries were used in RPNCalc. I'd like to publicly thank the authors and give them credit for their hard work. The licenses for these libraries is detailed in the Licenses chapter.

  • JCommander is used to parse the command line for options and parameters

  • jAnsi allows for colorized output in the consoles

  • jUnit5 is used for automated unit testing

  • Maven build tool is used extensively in RPNCalc

  • OpenJDK is the engine that runs Java on my systems. You may be running another Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE)


I'd like to give recognition and attribution to the authors of the icons used in this guide.


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