
There are a few, although not many, configuration options available in RPNCalc. These are settings which control various aspects of the program and are persistent between executions. When these are changed, they are saved in the Java Preferences system.

There are currently three configuration options that can be changed the commands to do so are listed below. They are:

Program Width

Program Width controls the amount of characters the base program uses. This can be changed and is especially useful if using a terminal with a small number of characters per line.

Memory Slots

By default there are 10 memory slots numbers 0 through 9. This is probably more than most people would need, but if you save a lot of values, or have a User Defined Function that needs to store a lot of numbers, it can be changed. Each memory slot is simply an additional array element, so I don't think there is much of a memory impact, but I suppose if you have thousands it would increase memory usage.

Display Alignment

By default, the numbers displayed on the stack are left aligned. There are times when it is prefered to be right aligned (for example if you are working with money and always want two decimal places), or decimal aligned which is nice to easily see the integer from the decimal. Play around with it and see which one you like for difference circumstances.


Ok, this isn't really a configuration option, but the command can be used to reset everything back to the defaults. At the time of this writing, the defaults are:

  • Program Width: 80 Current minimum width is 46 characters
  • Memory Slots: 10 Numbered 0 through 9
  • Display Alignment: l(eft)
resetThis command resets the configuration setting that are set with the set command back to their default values
setDisplay the current values of the configurable persistent settings
set width NUMSets the width of the program. If you are using a small display, and the calculator wraps, this can be used to make the width smaller (or larger). Please note that there is a minimum width that must be used. This setting is persistent across RPNCalc executions
set mem NUMSet the number of memory slots available to RPNCalc to NUM. If you need more, or less, it can be changed with this command. The setting is persistent across RPNCalc executions. set memslots or set memoryslots may also be used. See the memory commands chapter for more information
set align l

set align d

set align r
Set the alignment of the stack when it's displayed

l or left alignment aligns on the left of the number
r or right alignment has the numbers aligned to the right
d or decimal aligns all of the decimal points together in a column

This setting is persistent across RPNCalc executions. set alignment may also be used
set browser FILESets the full path to the web browser on your computer.
A browser is opened by several RPNCalc commands. In order for RPNCalc to know which browser to launch, the full path to the browser needs to be provided and is stored in the configuration preferences. This command will set the browser file location. If you wish to clear it, simply set browser clear and enter nothing at the prompt. If you give it an executable file, it will be set to that. If the provided file is not executable, it will re-prompt for a valid one. Also, if you run a commande (i.e. hp or ug) that use an external browser, and none is set, you will be prompted for the full path (which is the same as setting it here).

Please note that use should always use slashes / as a path separater instead of backslashes \ on windows. The C: syntax is fine on windows